When Things Fall Apart with Su Choy LUT

When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chödron

with Su Choy LUT in the Sanctuary at Unity Windward 

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6 weeks, Fridays, 11:30am–1pm

September 29—November 3


How can we keep our hearts open when the very foundation of our world seems to be collapsing? What can we do when we find ourselves overwhelmed by fear, pain, and doubt?  Join LUT/ministerial candidate Su Choy in the Sanctuary as she guides us through wisdom principles gleaned from renowned Buddhist author Pema Chödron’s most acclaimed work When Things Fall Apart.  

Acknowledging that each of us has experienced heartache from attempting to negotiate a fulfilling spiritual life in an increasingly volatile world, Pema Chödron teaches that things falling apart is actually “a kind of testing and also a kind of healing.” Pointing out that our lives are always bringing us meaningful lessons, she presents life-changing tools and techniques for finding harmony in chaos, hope in uncertainty. The path of true awakening lies not in backing away from our discomfort, but rather leaning gently into it. In this way we can see clearly what is happening, revealing the many hidden gifts of our present-moment experience.