New Book Study!
Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection
By Sharon Salzberg
5-week series with Su Choy
Fridays, November 10—December 15
(No class Friday after Thanksgiving, Nov 24)
Though we all long for deep and meaningful relationships, we often get trapped by our stories about what might happen if we try to connect more deeply with others. Yet these false assumptions ultimately work against us, serving only to enhance our alienation and block love’s full healing power.
In Real Love, Sharon Salzberg provides us with a toolbox full of exercises, meditation techniques and interactive practices that help us shatter old habits of relating, replacing them with a more authentic and empowering model for giving and receiving real love. Working through the four layers of love - for self, the other, all sentient beings and finally life itself - we crack open our limited understanding of love in order to experience greater joy and fulfillment in every area of our lives.