Birthing the Diamond Mind | 5-Week Healing Intensive

Birthing the Diamond Mind 

5-Week Healing Intensive with Su Choy, LUT

Click HERE to join by Zoom

Tuesdays, 10–11:30am on Zoom

Meeting ID: 889 1630 0083 Passcode: Diamond


One of Jesus’ most famous quotes is “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matt 10:8) Though these timeless words were directed to His disciples so long ago, they were meant for us  today as well. In fact, it seems true that Jesus is saying that healing is our principal function. 

So what exactly are the conditions for healing, and how do we create them to bring forth healing in ourselves and others? During weekly Zoom meetings, LUT/ ministerial candidate Su Choy will guide you through a progressive series of lessons aimed at constructing a healing consciousness called The Diamond Mind. Each lesson will be carefully gleaned from the works of Unity’s greatest foremothers and forefathers, including Emma Curtis Hopkins, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Mary Baker Eddy as well as Jesus Himself through the teachings of the bible and A Course in Miracles. Each shining facet of consciousness we explore will lift you to a new realization of healing. Gradually, as this Diamond Mind is birthed, you will witness beneficent changes in character, energy, and well-being - the undeniable effects of deep and enduring healing.

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Meeting ID: 889 1630 0083

Passcode: Diamond